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Data Protection Statement

Applying to join (initiation, exaltation, joining or re-joining)
As a candidate, you consent to the processing, retention and sharing of your personal data submitted on or with your application, including details of criminal convictions if applicable, for the purpose of assessing your membership application and any other membership applications you may make to Masonic entities. 
If you choose to answer the optional questions about your religion and ethnicity these will not be visible to those assessing your membership application(s) and will be used for the sole purpose of equalities monitoring.
The assessment of your application will include printing some of your personal details on the summons which is sent to all the members of the Lodge or Chapter to which you are applying.  Those details are your full name, age, profession, or occupation (if any), place or places of abode, business address or addresses and names of your proposer and seconder. 
Your details will be checked against records of current members and of members who have resigned or been expelled for the purpose of verifying that you are eligible to make your application.  
After submitting your application Masonic entities may use your data to send communications of interest to you, for example an invitation to a Masonic event in your Province, the First Rising email newsletter for members or an invitation to sign up for Freemasonry’s free learning website, Solomon. 
The personal data in membership applications is processed on the basis of consent. You can cancel your application at any time prior to your initiation, exaltation, joining or re-joining by notifying your proposer and seconder.  If you provide your data but do not complete your application within two years, it will be deleted.  If you complete an application but are not initiated within ten years, it will be deleted. 
If you wish to delete your application data sooner, then please